Information to the user of the existence of the file and request for consent for the automated processing of data In relation to the personal data provided by interested parties in the forms provided on the website www.goldr. es website, we hereby inform you that we strictly comply with current legislation on the protection of personal data and that the data provided, where applicable, will be included in a file under the responsibility of María Dolores Rama Trillo (hereinafter, the Owner or Publisher) for processing in accordance with the purposes described in this Privacy Policy and in the forms provided in each case, with the interested parties giving their consent to such processing by accepting this privacy policy or by sending information by any of the means provided on the website.

The personal data collected through the website , or which the user voluntarily provides through electronic forms and/or by e-mail, will be processed in accordance with the provisions of current legislation on the protection of personal data, in compliance with which the following processing information is provided:

Data controller:

The entity responsible for the processing of the data is the following:


María Dolores Rama Trillo




Plaza de Galicia nº3, 15293 Carnota

Purpose of the data

The Owner collects certain personal data that are voluntarily entered by users in the various forms ("Contact Now", "Login", "My Account", "Instant Payment", "Feedback" and "Shipping Address") that exist on the website . The data is used for the following purposes:

  • To manage requests for information, contact or resolution of incidents made by users through the means of contact published on the website ("Contact Now").
  • Manage users' profiles, orders, returns, addresses, wish lists and discount vouchers ("Sign in" and "My Account").
  • Manage comments posted and/or shared by users of the website ("Reviews").

Obligatory nature of the data

Mandatory fields are identified as such by the use of an asterisk (*) or by the express indication of their necessity (mandatory). If the mandatory fields are not filled in, it will not be possible to process the request sent or the user's order.

Rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition

The interested parties may exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition, and revoke the consent given in each case for the processing and/or transfer of their data, at any time by requesting it by post to the owner, at the following address: Plaza de Galicia nº3, 15293 Carnota, DNI núm. 34893349A or by sending an e-mail message to the following e-mail address In any case, the request must be accompanied by a copy of the official document accrediting the identity of the owner of the data.

Transfer of data

The communication of data is linked to the very purpose for which the data has been entered and therefore related to the free and legitimate acceptance of the legal relationship existing between the interested parties and the owner, the development, fulfilment and control of which necessarily involve the connection of the data and which includes the necessary transmission of the same. By accepting this privacy policy, data subjects declare that they have been informed of and unreservedly consent to the communication of their data in the terms indicated in this clause. Interested parties may revoke the consent given as indicated in this policy.

In order to comply with the purposes described in this Privacy Policy, we provide certain user data to third parties who provide us with services that we offer to our customers:

  • Financial institutions
  • Providers of services related to customer service.
  • Providers and partners of services related to advertising and marketing.

Users must refrain from providing personal data of other persons, unless they are expressly authorised by them to do so and have previously informed them of the conditions applicable to the processing of their data in accordance with the provisions of this Privacy Policy. The owner may, at any time, ask users to prove the existence and content of the aforementioned authorisations.

Social networks: Facebook

On this website we have integrated the Facebook pixel. The functions we use this pixel are as follows:

  • Facebook Connect (analysis of access data in order to display advertisements based on the user's Facebook interests)
  • Facebook Custom Audience (analysis of access data for the purpose of advertising to third parties)
  • Facebook Pixel Remarketing (analysis of login data on product pages for the purpose of displaying ads based on Facebook preferences)
  • Events: orders and purchases

When accessing the Facebook Pixel automatically sets a cookie. This cookie automatically sets a pseudonymous cookie ID and the pages you visit to enable the functions explained in the previous point.

The data collected in this context will be deleted once the Facebook services are no longer used for their intended purpose and at the end of their use. You can read more about Facebook's privacy policy here:

Social networks: Twitter

On this website we have integrated the Twitter pixel, in order to measure what happens after users view our ads on Twitter. When accessing the Twitter pixel automatically sets different cookies with which it identifies the user.

The data collected in this context will be deleted once the Twitter services are no longer used for their intended purpose and at the end of their use. You can read more about Twitter's privacy policy here:


This is a display advertising tool. It optimises the advertising and adverts we show users based on their browsing behaviour on this website. Some of the data analysed by Oniad for subsequent analysis and execution of subsequent campaigns are, for example: number of visits to the website, products viewed, searches, etc...

You can find more information about Oniad's Advertising Policy here

Data retention period

The data will be kept for the time necessary to respond to the request made by the user. Subsequently, the data may be kept for a maximum of 5 years.


The owner guarantees the absolute confidentiality and privacy of the personal data processed, adopting the necessary technical and/or organisational security measures to avoid the alteration, loss, processing or unauthorised access to the data, thus guaranteeing their security. The owner shall not be liable under any circumstances for any incidents that may arise in relation to personal data when they are the result of an attack or unauthorised access to the systems in such a way that it is impossible to detect by the security measures in place.


The Publisher only uses, where appropriate, cookies for the exchange of data via electronic communications networks, or when these are strictly necessary for the provision of a functionality, which is part of an information society service, expressly requested by the user. In the event that the use of cookies does not fulfil one of the above purposes, the Publisher will request the user's informed consent to the use of such data storage and retrieval devices on his or her computer (e.g. via a pop-up window or via a layered information system). The cookies used do not contain personal information that identifies the user. In any case, the user can configure their browser so that cookies are not installed or to receive a warning on screen each time a cookie is installed, and can decide at any time whether to accept it or not. To find out about the policy on the installation and management of data storage and recovery devices on the website's terminal equipment, please consult the Cookies Policy.

Accuracy of data

Users are responsible for the veracity of the data provided, undertaking not to enter false data and to proceed to modify them if necessary.